


Workplace biases: A continued milestone to female leadership roles

Workplace biases: A continued milestone to female leadership roles Only 3% of Indian CEOs and managing directors are women – a figure that has remained constant since 2014. Even though it is now mandatory to have a woman member on every board, attaining leadership roles is still very challenging for women, thereby limiting the options. …

Workplace biases: A continued milestone to female leadership roles Read More »


Women in the workplace: Three tips for a balanced approach to career

Women in the workplace: Three tips for a balanced approach to career When I joined the corporate world in 2001, I was unsure whether I would continue with my career after achieving milestones like marriage and childbirth. Now, when I look back at my 18 years of uninterrupted career, I see a journey – from …

Women in the workplace: Three tips for a balanced approach to career Read More »


Communication during Black Swan Events – Sensitivity is key

Communication during Black Swan Events – Sensitivity is key It all first started in 2001 when the twin towers were attacked, and global media was all over talking about the planning involved, the disaster and its aftermath. Thereafter, there was a slowdown in almost every industry from airlines to exports. This was my first brush …

Communication during Black Swan Events – Sensitivity is key Read More »


Acquisition on your mind? Get your communication right

Acquisition on your mind? Get your communication right “Looking back on the acquisitions of Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm, the thread that runs through all of them (other than that, taken together, they transformed Disney) is that each deal depended on building trust with a single controlling entity. There were complicated issues to negotiate in all …

Acquisition on your mind? Get your communication right Read More »


Your company is doing a social deed? Position it subtly …

Your company is doing a social deed? Position it subtly … Scrolling through my Twitter feed a few days back, I came across a tweet by a well known journalist expressing her annoyance at countless press releases on companies giving donations or launching funds towards COVID-19 relief measures. Rightly put by her, a good deed …

Your company is doing a social deed? Position it subtly … Read More »


Irresponsible CSR can damage your reputation

Irresponsible CSR can damage your reputation Every day, I come across at least one post regarding a company that has contributed towards the PMCARES fund or provided other relief measures for the COVID19 pandemic. While some of these efforts are worthy of being applauded, some are simply dismissed for being opportunistic and insincere. CSR done …

Irresponsible CSR can damage your reputation Read More »


Ambiguous and anxious environment needs responsive communication

Ambiguous and anxious environment needs responsive communication Recently, on my internal team group, one of my colleagues shared a news update about a pizza delivery boy in Delhi testing positive with the COVID19 virus. This initiated intense discussions which fueled already heightened concerns and apprehensions around the pandemic. However, within a few hours, the same colleague shared …

Ambiguous and anxious environment needs responsive communication Read More »